Our Services

Nutritional Testing
  • Bridge City Health offers a series of clinical laboratory nutritional tests for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic health conditions, and for optimized human performance.
  • These tests identify the biological markers of your current health through simple bodily samples such as urine and/or blood. The results can pinpoint the exact deficiencies and elevated levels of each biomarker.
  • Nutritional testing removes any opinions, estimates, or theories by utilizing state of the art laboratory equipment to develop accurate results. This makes it possible to target and prioritize your specific health needs.
  • Generating accurate laboratory results allows the opportunity for our doctors to create a step-by-step, individualized plan for you to reach your optimal health.
  • Nutritional testing can be a valuable experience for even the most active and healthy individuals.
Workplace Wellness
  • Many chronic diseases are preventable. Implementing a holistic approach to corporate wellness programs is a great way to educate employees on the importance of creating healthy habits and the benefits of sticking to wellness goals.
  • Corporate wellness programs are designed to support and encourage a holistic approach to employee wellbeing by creating an organizational culture of health. Corporate wellness programs cultivate healthy habits among employee populations and improve overall health outcomes, all while increasing productivity, optimizing human resource investments and boosting employee engagement.

Studies show

  • Healthy workers are almost 3x more productive than their unhealth colleagues, who take up to 9x the amount of sick leave each year.
  • Correlation between worker’s productivity and their health, with unhealthy workers logging only 49 effective hours each month, compared to the healthiest workers who clocked up 143 effective hours (almost 3x the amount).
  • The cost of employee sick days, reduced productivity and medical expenses related to ongoing and unresolved health concerns totals an estimated 210.5 billion per year.

Providing your employees with the knowledge and resources to keep themselves well will be beneficial to your organization in countless ways. A healthy culture is a productive culture.

Community Dinner
Reserve your seat at our community dinner where the doctors take you, your friends, family, and/or coworkers out to dinner at a local restaurant. A doctor (or other local health leader) will spend about 15-20 minutes on a current health topic, we will then discuss the importance of spinal care, followed by a shared meal, on us!

The dinner program is designed to build community while eating delicious food and improving your health, all at the same time. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce someone you know who could benefit from higher levels of health to Bridge City Health.