Achieve Your Best Health With Chiropractic Care

In order to fulfill your purpose and live a healthy life you must pursue practices that keep you well and remove the things that are interfering with your body’s ability to function at it’s best.

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Achieve Your Best Health With Chiropractic Care

In order to fulfill your purpose and live a healthy life you must pursue practices that keep you well and remove the things that are interfering with your body’s ability to function at its best.

Discover the Bridge City Health Essentials
The human body is incredible. It’s a highly intelligent vessel carrying you through your human experience. You were designed in perfection and health is your natural state. Reclaim your right to optimal health by removing interference and by prioritizing these practices.

Chiropractic Care

Your brain controls your body through your spinal cord, protected by your spine. Spinal health is foundational for optimal health.


Food is fuel. Give your body high quality fuel for a high quality of life.


Our thoughts have the power to influence and alter our physiology. The body will achieve what the mind believes.


You were designed to move. “Movement is medicine” is a mantra to live by.


Your body has natural detox pathways built in. These pathways remove toxic build up and remove old cells for a stronger, healthier you.


Humans are pack animals. We thrive on engagement and connection. Finding and involving yourself groups will elevate your health.


It is during rest that your body repairs and recovers. Optimize your sleep so you can own each day.


Being in nature and exposing your body to the sun is the most important mechanism for syncing our internal clock with the outside world. Get outside.

Chiropractic Care

Your brain controls your body through your spinal cord, protected by your spine. Spinal health is foundational for optimal health.


Food is fuel. Give your body high quality fuel for a high quality of life.


Our thoughts have the power to influence and alter our physiology. The body will achieve what the mind believes.


You were designed to move. “Movement is medicine” is a mantra to live by.


Your body has natural detox pathways built in. These pathways remove toxic build up and remove old cells for a stronger, healthier you.


Humans are pack animals. We thrive on engagement and connection. Finding and involving yourself groups will elevate your health.


It is during rest that your body repairs and recovers. Optimize your sleep so you can own each day.


Being in nature and exposing your body to the sun is the most important mechanism for syncing our internal clock with the outside world. Get outside.

Meet The Docs

Dr. Andrew & Dr. Rachel are passionate about educating the community about the importance of spinal health and it’s direct relationship with overall function & performance of the human body.

What we Provide

Our Services

Corrective Chiropractic Care

Bring your spinal column back to it’s optimal position for increased body function, pain reduction & performance enhancement.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Our children are the future. Set them up for success with early chiropractic care.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care

There are so many benefits to chiropractic care during pregnancy. Our doctors are trained in Webster Technique, to deliver the best care possible.

Nutritional Testing

Get precise insights into your health through simple lab tests. Identify deficiencies and receive personalized plans to achieve optimal wellness.

Discovery Call

Have questions about Bridge City Health? Want to collaborate on a project? Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with one of our doctors. Ask them anything!

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to elevate the health expression in Greenville.

We Believe in life transformation through health education. We believe when people are healthier, they are happier and that when people are happier they live more purpose-driven and fulfilled lives. We believe that you, your family, your friends, and your coworkers deserve you at your best. We believe achieving a higher level of health is a key component to becoming your best version of self.

We Know your body can return to a state of optimal health, naturally. We know that the brain and nervous system control the body and we know that in order for health to be expressed, we must have a fully functioning nervous system.

It’s our vision to see everyone empowered to live to their full potential. We envision more people living lifestyles that align with the laws of nature. We imagine a world where people are showing up as their absolute best version of self through the expression of natural health.


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Why Us?

What’s Unique?

Safe adjustments

We have given 60,000+ safe adjustments

Corrective Care

Long term solutions for long lasting results

Informed Decisions

Education leads to empowered decision making

Multi Doctor Team

Our doctors collaborate on recommendations for the best care possible

Digital X-Ray

State of the art x-rays available in office to properly assess spinal health.

Family care

We care for spines of all ages.


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